Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Secrets of Fertilizer

What Is Fertilizer Made Of?

Plants also have three main "food groups", or rather "macro nutrients", the three elements that make up the bulk of a fertilizer: NPK.
You may have seen those letters on fertilizer bags. They stand for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (kalium in other languages, hence the chemical symbol K).
Plants need a lot of that stuff. NPK needs to be available to the plant in the right ratio, just like we need a good balance of carbohydrates, protein and fats. (We're not looking at the latest fad diet, we are talking about a balanced diet here, ok?)
Now, many people grow plants in the belief that all they need to give them is water and fertilizer. Water and NPK, at a correct ratio.
That would be the same as bringing up your kids on instant meals or meal replacement shakes that contain nothing but powdered protein, carbohydrates and fat, in the correct ratio.
Do you think your kids will grow strong and healthy, with a good immune system, if you feed them just that? Neither do I.

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